
"Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.”

Moshé Feldenkrais

In the Feldenkrais Method it is the body itself that is used as the fundamental tool for an individual’s deep process of personal evolution. Learning through movement is the essence of the Feldenkrais Method. This, along with self-awareness leads to sensory motor learning. The Feldenkrais Method develops and increases body awareness through movement and contact with one’s own body.

Forgotten paths in our ability to sense, feel, think and act are explored – making it possible to lead a full life, and make decisions according to one’s full potential. The Feldenkrais Method is a somatic learning process taught either in group classes called ATM (Awareness Through Movement) or in individual sessions called FI (Functional Integration).

It is a unique method used to improve the human condition in all possible fields – learning to move without pain after traumas; developing healthy movement patterns that will support a good health for life-time; eliminating unhealthy and traumatizing movements from day-to-day activities; yoga; dancing; sports etc.


Awareness through movement group lessons

SolSeed, Pisac

Bi-weekly Tuesday 9:30-10:30

Pilates group lessons

Paz y Luz, Pisac

Saturday 12:00-13:00

Individual functional integration
Book online or offline session


Hello! My name is Olga, I am a certified Feldenkrais Practitioner.

After many years of career in Corporate Audit in multinational companies, I deeply understood the problems of a big city resident, many factors that prevent him/her from being healthy and aware.

In audit we identify the problem, analyze the root cause and develop a relevant action plan to resolve the problem.

Therefore I have studied Feldenkrais Method, Pilates, body-oriented psychotherapy (biosynthesis approach by David Boadella), and ageing prevention.

All this allows me to help you increase your body awareness, get rid of pain, gain freedom in movement (which is also mirrored to the greater freedom in thinking) and improve the quality of life.